Frequency Specific Microcurrent
Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy (FSM)
FSM is a system of treatment using micro-amperage current and the resonance effect of frequencies on tissue and conditions to reduce symptoms and improve health. Microcurrent has been shown to increase ATP energy production in cells by 500% and numerous papers document its ability to improve healing in wounds and fractures.
FSM is especially good at reducing inflammation, treating fibromyalgia, nerve, joint and muscle pain and dissolving or softening scar tissue. The frequencies to reduce inflammation have helped thousands of patients with inflammatory conditions such as asthma, irritable bowel, cardiovascular disease, and diabetic neuropathies. Patients who are treated within four hours of new injuries such as auto accidents and surgeries have reduced pain and a greatly accelerated healing process due to the effects of both the current and the frequencies. There are no guarantees that every protocol is going to be effective in every patient. In general, the frequencies either work or don’t work. If they don’t work, they simple have no effect. As long as appropriate proven therapies are not delayed or withheld, FSM can’t hurt, might help.
Conditions That Benefit From FSM:
Achilles Tendonitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Emotional Issues
Diabetic Neuropathy
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Myofascial Pain and Trigger Points
Neuromuscular Pain and Inflammation
Peripheral Neuropathy
Scar Tissue
Spinal Disc Pain
Sports Injuries
Tendon & Ligament Injuries
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Wound Healing; and more.
FSM Membership and Packages
After receiving training and signing an acknowledgement/consent form, members will be able to schedule appointments for self administered FSM Therapy. We have Single Session and Bundle Packages available. Please see our package selection for pricing.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent is a system of treatment using micro-
amperage current and the resonance effect of frequencies on tissue and conditions to
reduce symptoms and improve health.
Microcurrent is a current in millionths of an ampere. Micro-
amperage current is the same kind of current your body produces on its own so you
can’t feel the current. Microcurrent has been shown to increase ATP energy production
in cells by 500% and numerous papers document its ability to improve healing in
wounds and fractures.
The FSM frequencies are electrical pulses measured in hertz
or pulses per second. All the FSM frequencies are below 1000 Hz.
The frequencies appear to change pain, function and even structure in a large number of clinical conditions. FSM is especially good at reducing inflammation, treating fibromyalgia, nerve, joint and muscle pain and dissolving or softening scar tissue. The frequencies to reduce inflammation have helped thousands of patients with inflammatory conditions such as asthma, irritable bowel, cardiovascular disease, and diabetic neuropathies. Patients who are treated within four hours of new injuries such as auto accidents and surgeries have reduced pain and a greatly accelerated healing process due to the effects of both the current and the frequencies.
There are no guarantees that every protocol is going to be effective in every patient. In general, the frequencies either work or don’t work. If they don’t work, they simple have no effect. As long as appropriate proven therapies are not delayed or withheld, FSM can’t hurt, might help.
The research data suggests that the frequencies change cell signaling by changing cell membrane receptors that then change cell genetic expression and thereby change cell function and even cell structure. This is theory that must be proven by experiments.
There are no risks to the patients that we know about as long as the proper precautions and contraindications associated with both the FSM and use of the machine are followed. There are frequencies to remove scar tissue that should not be used within 6 weeks of a new injury. The device should not be used across the chest of patients with pacemakers. FSM should not be used on patients known to be pregnant even though there have been no adverse reactions in pregnancy. The frequency to reduced inflammation will reduce inflammation even when infection is present, and the infection can become worse while the inflammation is “turned off”.
Patients who are dehydrated cannot benefit from FSM. Every patient is advised to drink at least one quart of water in the 2 hours proceeding treatment. Patients who are chronically dehydrated may need more water for treatment to be effective. The effectiveness of FSM depends almost entirely on an accurate diagnosis. Shoulder pain can come from muscles, tendons, bursas, nerves or the joint.
FSM will treat all of these pain generators effectively, but the right tissue type must be treated for the correct condition to affectively eliminate the pain.
Drugs change cell receptors like a key in a lock. Frequencies change the receptors like our key fob, with a signal at a distance.
Rife frequencies were light frequencies all about 8,000 hertz. FSM frequencies are electrical pulses all below 1000 hertz. Rife frequencies were used to treat cancer. FSM is not used to treat cancer. FSM has been used to treat the pain of bone metastasis and the nausea from chemotherapy.
Microcurrent provides electrons and in published studies increases ATP production in cells. Lasers provide photons or light particles. Lasers oscillate at set frequencies and do provide beneficial results by some other method than frequency specific resonance.
Microcurrent is approved in the category of TENS devices by the FDA. TENS devices deliver a thousand times more current, in the milliamp range, create muscle contraction and block pain messages traveling up the spine to the brain. TENS devices simply block pain they do not increase cellular energy production or reduce inflammation or speed tissue healing.
Ultrasound creates heat by vibrating the water molecules in tissue. It does not provide current, nor does it change ATP status. Ultrasound provides beneficial results, but it is completely different than microcurrent and frequency resonance.
Any time current flows there is voltage. Any time there is voltage there is current flowing. So microcurrent and voltage happen together.
The FSM devices offered by Precision Distributing, Inc. have FDA 510K certificates as if they were TENS devices for blocking pain. Microcurrent devices have 1000 times less current than TENS devices but are in this category for regulatory convenience.
All of the FSM clinical and animal research was done with a two channel, battery operated microcurrent machine. Both the frequency and current can be set independently on each of the two channels. The frequencies are delivered with three-digit accuracy from 0.1 Hz to 999 Hz using an adjustable ramped square wave. The direct current is modified by circuitry to an alternating or polarized positive square wave. Any device that has the same parameters should be able to reproduce the published outcome if the diagnosis and treatment are correct.